Friday, 2 November 2007


I'm currently not on the internet as much as I would like to be (or rather, I am on the internet about twenty times a day... on a mobile phone with a screen 1"x1.5", so I can read, heedless of the damage I'm probably doing to my eyesight just to get my blogroll/livejournal fix, but not do much else) so any good-blogger intentions I may have had are rapidly vanishing.

Coupled with that, my life has been rather dull for the last couple of weeks. I've got in a bit of a rut - already! - and the great things about living in Italy are becoming just things about living in Italy as I become accustomed. It hasn't helped that my work situation has been weird. Next week I should hopefully finish my training period and get into teaching and meeting my students (and doing work I'm getting paid for), and then I'll feel like I'm actually getting somewhere, I think. My days at the moment are pretty empty. There's only so many afternoons one can spend looking lustfully into the windows of Armani before the realities of being broke and underfed in a foreign country become slightly depressing!